Wednesday 8 March 2017

About Us

Introduction & Activities

The Office of the Registrar of Newspapers for India, more popularly known as RNI came into being on 1st July, 1956, on the recommendation of the First Press Commission in 1953 and by amending the Press and Registration of Books Act 1867.
The Press and Registration of Books Act contains the duties and functions of the RNI. On account of some more responsibilities entrusted upon RNI during all these years, the office is performing both statutory as well as some non-statutory functions.

Under Statutory Functions, the following jobs are covered:

    Compilation and maintenance of a Register of Newspapers containing particulars about all the newspapers published.
            Issue of Certificate of Registration to the newspapers published under valid declaration;
      Scrutiny and analysis of annual statements sent by the publishers of newspapers every year under Section 19-D of the Press and Registration of Books Act containing information on circulation, ownership etc;
          Informing the District Magistrates about availability of titles, to intending publishers for filing declaration;
          Ensuring that newspapers are published in accordance with the provisions of the Press and Registration of Books Act 1867 and the Rules made there under.
          Verification under Section 19-F of the PRB Act, of circulation claims furnished by the publishers in their Annual Statements; and
          Preparation and submission to the Government on or before 31st December each year, a report containing all available information and statistics about the press in India with particular reference to the emerging trends in circulation and in the direction of common ownership units etc.

The following items fall under the non-statutory functions:

         Formulation of Newsprint Allocation Policy - Guidelines and issue of Eligibility Certificate to the newspapers to enable them to import newsprint and to procure indigenous newsprint.
          Assessing and certifying the essential need and requirement of newspaper establishments to import printing and composing machinery and allied materials.